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Using Affiliate Program Directory to Improve Your Program

Who joins an affiliate program? The most common group is people who want to become rich quickly and easily using their computer, the majority of which will never become productive affiliates. The second most common group is webmasters who have some good content and regular traffic, but are looking for a way to generate revenue from their web site. (Note these classifications are not based on quantifiable data; these are simply my impressions of the industry.) When a webmaster decides to incorporate an affiliate program in their site, how do they go about selecting one? Most will type "best affiliate programs" or "affiliate reviews and ratings" in their favorite search engine and wind up at an affiliate directory. Similar to Yahoo!'s site directory, affiliate directories group programs into categories that allow webmasters to quickly locate the opportunities that best correlate with the content of their site. For this reason alone, it is important for affiliate program managers to submit their programs to as many affiliate programs as possible. ( offers a very affordable submission service that will submit your program to a large number of directories.) Affiliate directories also offer an extremely valuable opportunity to evaluate your program through the eyes of your potential affiliates. Affiliate directories will allow you to make side-by-side comparisons of your program with other similar programs. Very good directories will also contain vital stats that are extremely important to affiliates , such as return days. By comparing your
profile with that of other programs you can quickly evaluate where your program is most appealing and where other programs are going to lure your potential affiliates away. This process gives you the necessary information to tweak your program to increase appeal to affiliates and magnify the effectiveness of your recruiting efforts.

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How To Choose the Affiliate Program Software That is Right For You

With online advertising forecast to grow by 30% this year, the affiliate marketing segment is expected to grow in line with this estimate. Merchants are expected to either add affiliate marketing to their existing online sales channels or upgrade their platforms to expand their existing programmes even further.
A key part of running a successful affiliate program is being able to manage your affiliates efficiently and cost-effectively. Thankfully, there are software products to help you do this. The trouble is, with dozens of different affiliate software suppliers offering a wide range of features, functionality and pricing, how do you choose the right one?
There are six main types of affiliate software, each with its strengths and weaknesses. Once you choose and implement a particular solution, it can be complicated and expensive to switch. Be sure to do your research beforehand and choose a program that meets your needs both now and for the future.
1. Stand-alone Software
You pay a one-time fee to own the software. You install it on your web server where it integrates with your other systems, such as your e-commerce and CRM components.
Pros: Typically has extensive features and functionality. Ongoing fees are minimal and do not change with the size of your affiliate program. Affiliate links show your domain address because the software is hosted on your server. As more affiliates create more inbound links to your site, it can have a positive effect on your search engine rankings.
Cons: Requires installation, which you will need to pay for if you cannot do it yourself. Having the software on your server may require a bigger web hosting package, resulting in higher hosting charges.
2. Hosted (ASP) Software
The software is provided as a service by a third party. They host it on their server and you pay to access it.
Pros: Upgrades are typically included and are rolled out as soon as they are available. Requires no technical skill as installation and hosting is handled by the vendor. Upfront costs are lower.
Cons: Ongoing monthly fees are usually based on volume of transactions. As your affiliate program grows, your costs may grow as well. Some vendors may not allow links that go first to your domain – reducing the added benefit of inbound affiliate links and search engine positioning.
3. Affiliate Networks
Again, the software is hosted and provided by a third party. You also gain access to an established community of people who are actively looking for affiliate opportunities.
Pros: No technical skill or maintenance required. Instant access to a large pool of potential affiliates, which can help build your program quickly. Usually the network handles the administration of the entire program, including affiliate payouts and reporting. You do nothing but upload your affiliate offers to the network site.
Cons: The network takes a relatively high transaction fee on each affiliate sale. Minimal options for customizing the program to your specific needs.
4. MLM Software
Multi-level marketing (MLM) is often considered the “black sheep” of the affiliate marketing concept. However, there is significant overlap between MLM and affiliate marketing. MLM talks about a “downline” whereas affiliate marketers refer to their sub-affiliates. Same concept, different name. Since there are software packages to manage an MLM business, you should not overlook this possibility for running your affiliate program.
Pros: Excellent for managing an affiliate program with multiple tiers.
Cons: There’s a certain stigma attached to MLM. Potential affiliates may be scared away if they discover you are using MLM software.
5. Shopping Carts
Shopping cart software allows customers on an e- commerce site to select items they wish to purchase and store them in their virtual shopping basket, before paying for their purchase in one electronic transaction. Many e-commerce shopping carts include affiliate management features as either a standard or add-on module.
Pros: E-commerce and affiliate management functions are integrated into one program, making maintenance easier and less expensive. The affiliate module is not typically based on volume so fees remain the same as your program grows.
Cons: Affiliate management is not the vendor’s primary focus so the software may have less functionality than other software options.
6. Web Site Builder Systems
These all-in-one packages usually bundle web site building tools, web hosting, e-commerce and affiliate functionality.
Pros: Can help you launch a complete e-commerce site from scratch very quickly. Little technical expertise required.
Cons: Paying for many different services as one lump sum means you may be overpaying if you only want one or two pieces. Again, affiliate management is not the vendor’s
primary focus so functionality may be limited.
Whether it is the effectiveness of cookie tracking, the booming popularity off RSS and datafeeds, or companies using the latest tools in fraud and parasite detection, it’s critical when choosing an affiliate provider to work with a company that is going to adjust to the market. The affiliate software solution that works best for you will depend on your affiliate strategy and requirements. Think about your needs, do your research, and choose wisely.

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Pay Per Click and Google Adsense - How To Build Your Website Profits With Targeted Traffic

With pay per click and Google Adsense you can build your affiliate marketing business with targeted traffic. This has become a very effective way to earn online profits. And if your website is rich with original quality content and you want to earn more profit, you can use Google Adsense to drive your profits.
Why Use Pay Per Click To Promote Affiliate Marketing?
Affiliate marketing is one of the simplest and one of the most effective ways to earn profits online. Online retailers can benefit from affiliate marketing programs, because affiliate marketing actually works for merchants as well as it works for the affiliates. Many affiliate programs pay up to 75% commission.
There are many different methods on how the merchant can compensate the affiliate for their services, and for the webmaster, these methods simply are a great way to make cash using these types of services.
Here are the 3 types of compensation with affiliate programs:
1. Pay-per-click
2. Pay-per-lead
3. Pay-per-sale
The pay per click method is the method most preferred by many affiliates, for their site’s visitor would only have to visit the advertiser’s site for them to receive money if the visitor clicks on one of the ads. In general this is how Google AdSense works. The traffic is targeted with the right type of original content on the webmasters website.
The other two methods, (pay per lead) and (pay per sale) on the other hand, are sometimes preferred by merchants, as they would only have to compensate you if your visitor becomes one of their customers or if the visitor would actually purchase their products or services.
Building large profits with affiliate marketing programs does not depend so much on the compensation method as it does on the targeted traffic generated to your site. A website that can attract more targeted visitors would generally have the greater chance of profiting in affiliate marketing programs.
How Does Google Adsense Relate To Pay Per Click?
Google Adsense is actually an affiliate marketing program in its own right. With Google Adsense, Google acts as the intermediary for the affiliates and the merchants. The merchant, or the advertiser, would simply sign up with Google and provide text ads pertaining to their products and services. These ads, which are actually links to the advertiser’s website, would then appear on Google searches as well as on the websites owned by the affiliates, or by people who have signed up with the Google Adsense program.
You can find some aspects that are similar with Google Adsense and other affiliate marketing programs and you can also see a lot of differences. With Google Adsense, all the person has to do is put some code on their website and Google takes care of just about everything else.
The ads that Google places on your site will generally be targeted and relevant to the content of your site. This is an advantage for both you and for the advertiser, as the visitors of your site would more or less be interested with the products or services that are advertised.
Google Adsense is a program that compensates the affiliate on a pay-per-click basis. The advertiser pays Google a certain amount each time their ad on your site is clicked and Google then forwards this amount to you with checks, although only after Google have deducted their share of the amount. Google Adsense checks are sent monthly after the affiliate has reached a total of $100. Google Adsense helps with a tracking tool that allows you to monitor the earnings you actually get from certain ads.
Affiliate marketing programs and pay per click programs such as Google Adsense work very well, whether you are the merchant or the affiliate. For the merchant’s side, a
lot of money can be saved if advertising effort is concentrated on affiliate marketing rather than on dealing with advertising firms. For the webmaster, you can easily gain a lot of profits just by doing what you do best, and that is by creating websites with original targeted content.
With this combination of profits from both the Google Adsense program and other affiliate programs, you could earn some decent income.

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Get Targeted hits to your website using traffic exchange and banner exchange program

People who make the most website income are the people who get high traffic to their website. You drive more traffic to your site increase your website income.
We will describe how to convert untargeted hits receiving from traffic exchange program to targeted hits.
Quality of hits receiving from traffic exchange program is very low. But using my tips you will able to convert untargeted hits to targeted hits.
My idea described below step-by-step:
1. Register best traffic exchange program
2. Register best three banner exchange program (1:1 exchange program). Banner exchange program provide targeted hits to your website.
3. Design very attractive banner for your website and upload to banner exchange program.
4. Add three banner exchange program code to your webpage
5. Earn credit using traffic exchange program and redeem it to your website. If you get 100hits to your website using traffic exchange program and redeem it to your website. If you get 100 hits your website using traffic exchange program. Each your banner exchange program earns 100credits.
6. Redeem credits earned by banner exchange program to your website. Your banner displays 300 times on other website. If your banner very attractive your website get high targeted hits. For Example: Your banner receive 20% click, your website get 60 targeted visitor using 100 credits of traffic exchange.
If you earn more credits your website get more traffic.
If you done correctly, your website will get following benefit.
Increase your traffic significantly.
Improve your visibility in the search engines by raising your link popularity
Save you a lot of advertising money

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Best Affiliate Products, Where to Find Them and Select the Best choices

The BIG QUESTION on everyone's mind is... Can you make money on-line through affiliate programs? The Answer is YES and YES and YES!It is totally possible to make money on-line, there are all kinds of articles and stories about people who have been successful making money through affiliate programs. A great example is Affiliate Super Star Rosalind Gardner who makes over $ 400,000 a year.
There are also lots of "little guys" doing well selling affiliate products.
It has nothing to do with getting in on the ground floor in a particular program. It has nothing to do with having loads of money to market your program. Yes, you do need to have to have a marketing budget, but that is just the cost of doing business.
What it boils down to is knowing what to look for in an Affiliate Program.
More specifically, you look at programs which provide:
1. Products/Services that are in demand. This is pretty obvious, right? If you don't have a market for your products/services then you aren't going to make any money. Now, you did your research already and found that your niche idea does have a what you are doing is looking for products/services to weave into your niche site.
The best product or service to weave in, of course, is one that you have used personally. Nothing works better than giving a personal recommendation. If you can, weave in testimonials from others who have used the same product or service. That way, there is more than one voice and that goes a long way to helping a customer make a well informed buying decision.
2. Look at the Commission Structure. The BEST commission structure is one that pays you on a recurring basis. Monthly income is the best way to go but, depending on your niche, might not always be an option for you. If that's the case then do a little investigative work and check out competitor commission structures, and then, go for the one that pays you the most for a one time sale.
3. Promote more than one product/service. Now this can get a little dicey for you because you don't want to confuse your customer but, you also want to have a few options available for making a sale. Let me explain this a little better for you, by explaining what I would do using the Golf example I referred to earlier in this course.
The niche site that I suggested I would build around the "golf" niche was 'used golf equipment'. I said that I would have had some sort of a membership board where people could post their buy/sell items. That membership site would, of course, be my own product, so that means I would get 100% of the money generated by it.
I also said I could incorporate some form of comparison chart for buying used versus new golf equipment. That way if, say a specific club was selling at $150 used and maybe $185 new, then the customer would be able to decide... new versus old. I would still make the commission on the new item. See where I am going with that???
Ok, addition to the golf products, I would also want to have posted some good content on my web site, as to what to look for when buying used equipment etc. I would post articles that related specifically to my niche. I would then go and apply to the Google Adsense Program and would post little ads on the article pages. If a customer came and decided to clickoff into some other site, then at least I would see a commission from the click. I may then even decide to join or some other online book club and pick a few good golf books to recommend. niche site and I have created 4 income streams for myself. That is what I mean by promoting more than one product or service. Essentially what you are doing is giving yourself a good well-rounded product mix.
You can specialize if you want to. For example, I know of someone who is going to build a niche site around a specific coffee machine that they feel is going to take off. The machine is made from one specific company, which is ok. So they build a site around that machine, then they go a step further and weave in the coffee that you need to buy in order to use the machine. No other company's product/service is involved, just the one specific one.
See where I am going with this? and just how powerful affiliate programs can be...IF you know how to use them in the right manner.
Ok, so let's recap what we need to look for when deciding to participate in Affiliate Programs.
1. YOU WANT programs with products/services that are IN DEMAND.
2. YOU WANT programs that pay you MONTHLY COMMISSIONS if you can have the right affiliate product. Or, at the very least, you want to shop around and find the products with the best commission rate out there.
3. YOU WANT an arsenal of programs that link or tie into one another to give you MULTIPLE INCOME STREAMS.
That is what to look for in an Affiliate Program. Now, let's cover how to find an affiliate program for your niche.
The more obvious way to do this is to go directly to the web site of the merchant who you want to work with, and see if they offer an affiliate program. If they don't ... don't worry, we have a few other places to check out. We'll find an affiliate program for you.
There are three main sites that you can use, and it just so happened we covered them yesterday in "Tools of the Niche Trade." To save you having to go back over your notes, here they are again:
1. Commission Junction
CJ is THE affiliate program directory for both physical and downloadable products. They have hundreds of merchants listed within their directory. They have also joined forces with BeFree, another affiliate directory. You can sign up for the CJ site, and then on the CJ home page you will see BFAST.
Sign up for both and then, once you are in your account, you can link them both so you get the BEST of both sites. ALL affiliates are listed, as well as their commission structures. They also provide you with banners, ads and links that you can weave into your site.
2. Clix Galore
clixGalore has about 3500 affiliate merchants listed within their directory. From Mickey Mouse watches to Health and Nutritional Products, and everything in between.
It also is a no cost directory to join, and like CJ, they too provide you with marketing materials to incorporate into your web site.
3. ClickBank
ClickBank is yet another affiliate directory. It is the most popular affilate directory for downloadable products. Actually they only handle downloadable affiliate products.
Here you can make anywhere from 10% - 75% commissions on products or services you
sell. Acceptable affiliate commissions today range from 25% to 55%.
The neat thing about ClickBank is that their products are listed by popularity. So, it makes your job a little easier. You can go right for the related product/service that is making the good sales.
Of course these directories will help you find the right merchant program to weave into your site in order to make money , your homework! Find the one that is going to pay you top commissions.
Use the information you just read and apply it to ALL your niche sites and you can't go wrong!

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5 Secrets to Effective Pay-Per-Click Advertising

With so many companies swarming the World Wide Web with their products, how can you and your products and services stand out?
Your ready answer would most likely be effective marketing. But how? How can you catch the eye of a surfer skimming carelessly through web pages? How can you keep the attention of a typical website reader who spends no more than 30 seconds to read any given article online? How can you garner sales online?
One marketing technique is to be listed in search engines – but again, with thousands of companies offering the same products and services as you, how can your scream for attention be heard?
One technique is pay per click advertising, or PPC. You write out and place an advertisement in a search engine, list yourself under keywords of your choosing, and bid on the placement of your ads. This narrows your field to the people who are actively searching for your products and services.
If someone finds the ad and clicks it, that person goes to your website, and you pay the bid price. As a rule, the higher you bid, the higher your ad goes in the list of search results for a certain keyword, and the more people will go to your site.
PPC can be used to widen your reach, but it can be very expensive, especially if people click your ad only out of curiosity, or if you bid on more keywords than your budget can handle. However, PPC can get you customers and increase your profits. If done well, it can earn you money.
Here are five tips to get the most out of PPC.
Get Ten Specific Keywords. If you are a company specializing in exercise equipment, don't select "exercise equipment" or "gym" as your keywords. Chances are, there will be hundreds of thousands of other bidders waiting to jump on those same keywords. Be specific. Try "treadmill" or "stationary bike." Select a maximum of ten words, just to test the waters and see how your potential customers respond.
If the first ten keywords succeed in getting you a larger market, then research additional keywords which are not as specific. However, if your first try yields less than satisfactory results, then try another set of keywords if you can still afford it.
Write Your Ads but Write the Truth. Most ad writers will broadcast their wares as being the be-all and cure all of all ills and pains. If they do this, web users will click on their ads and storm the site. This is well and good if the product or service will live up to the ad's promise – but what if it doesn't? A customer clicks, you pay, but the customer doesn't buy. You lose.
Write a succinct but accurate ad that doesn't sue vague language. Avoid using words such as "free," "low cost," "extremely effective," and "cheap." Tailor your ads to fit the keyword, and if you can, include your prices on the ads. This way, you will get a buyer who is ready and willing to purchase your product or service.
Budget Your Bid. It's tempting to go all out and set your prices, especially if you think your product will sell. But what if it won't? Set a monthly budget of about $100 for your bids, and bid just right – bid too high and you will run out of money, bid too low and your ads won't show up.
Even if you believe in your product, keep within bid budget, and do not get into bidding wars, especially with another advertiser who has a much larger budget than you. Don't waste your time thinking about your bids. Instead, invest your time in designing what your ad is linked to, which brings us to:
Make Your Site a Professional One. The standard rules of web design apply. Check your web content for spelling and grammatical errors. Update your web content regularly. Fix any broken links and images. Design your website so that it will be easy to navigate and load, so do not use Flash animation, as this will slow down your buyers' browsers. Link your ads to the exact place on your site where your product or service appears.
Know When to Stop. PPC ad campaigns can lead more buyers to you, but take care to check profit against spending. If you have already spent double your advertising budget, but have had little or no sales, consider dropping your campaign. You can also measure your progress in clicks. A total of 300 clicks is average for any ad. If your ad has reached 300 clicks and you have made no sales yet, then terminate your PPC project.
Equally as important as knowing when to stop is knowing that all is not yet lost and you can still go on. Running a web-based business means investing time, money, and effort, so keep your PPC up and running as long as you are raking money in. PPC, after all, may first mean pay-per-click, but, if you're successful, can soon mean Profiting Perfectly in Cash.

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Free Affiliate Programs - an instrument to earn money online

You can use free affiliate programs to earn money from your web-traffic.
If you have a website with some traffic, you can make money by having links to merchants' online shops on your site. If someone goes through your links into the shop of the merchant, and buys something, you earn commission from the sale, between 5% and 40% depending on type of merchant. Some merchants also pay for each click or each lead. A lead is a new visitor to the shop that asks for more information or prize offers.
People or companies having these links on their web-sites, are called affiliates, and the links are called affiliate links. The administrative infrastructure by the merchant that the affiliate register into, in order to get the linking code, is called an affiliate program.
To register into an affiliate program is usually free, and through the program you get freely all you need to make the linking code, to monitor the traffic through your links, and to see what commission you have earned.
An affiliate program is not a MLM program, since the affiliates only earn from sales, leads or clicks.
However, in many programs you can recruit other affiliates and earn some commission from the sales made by the recruited affiliates too.
There are also common networks operated by third-part companies where several merchants use a common software and administrative infrastructure to recruit affiliates and monitor the traffic from affiliates. These are called affiliate networks. Both the merchants and potetial affiliates register into the network, and the affiliates can find links to the online shops of hundreds of merchants to use at their web-site. Examples of affiliate networks are Commission Junction and Clixgalore.
From my experience, the best affiliate programs are for merchants selling alternative health items or items for erotic improvements. I also have good experience with programs in the fields skincare, cosmetics and hobby.
What will work best for you, will however depend upon the kind of traffic you have, and the interests of people visiting your site.

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Affiliate Internet Marketing - Making A Success

So there you are sitting in front of your monitor while the others are all watching the latest soaps. Ad's are filling your screen as you click through them one by one looking for that perfect business opportunity that is going to make you rich beyond your wildest dreams.
Each sales page promises more than the previous and it is really becoming a difficult decision as to exactly how rich you want to be. The headlines scream at you, “Make One Million In 6 months”, “Write Your Own Paycheck”, “The Secret Of Earning Multiple Streams Of Income” and so it goes on.
You become so exited with your new found wealth that you give the dog your prime fillet which you bought an hour ago, knowing that after starting up you will never be looking back while the money pours into your bank account.
If this were true we would have a awful amount of extremely happy dogs not knowing the meaning of dog food, but in reality affiliate marketing is not what it seems.
However that which is stated is not entirely untrue. You can achieve all or many of what is mentioned, but you are not going to do it in 15 minutes per day and on autopilot.
Now, back to reality. How do I do it?
The easiest way starting out as a internet marketer is by being an affiliate for other peoples products. The reasons are quite simple and obvious, you do not need your own website and all the technical jargon associated with it and you don't have to spend money and time creating your own product. All you need to do is drive traffic to the affiliate site, they make the sales, you just pick up your cash.
To find products to promote as a affiliate is not difficult. There are thousands available for you to choose from. Some will charge money to join but most will be free.
As an affiliate marketer the aim is not promoting one product only, it's like putting all your eggs in one basket. Choose about 5 or even more in different areas, ones you find interesting and which you think might be good sellers. Take your time when choosing and read through everything, remember at the end of the day it will be your money driving traffic to that site, make your money work for you.
Here are a few things you need to keep in mind when choosing your affiliate products.
Have a look at when and how they pay you your commissions.
The percentage commission they will be paying you.
Preferably choose ones that pays a high commission and pays into your account as soon as the sale is made. That will keep you from losing money from sales because in many instances you will not be able to track any sales activity.
All that said and done you are now armed to the teeth with affiliate links, the dog is happily eating a prime fillet, so lets get on with it.
The most common way to generate traffic fast is PPC (pay per click). Google adwords is the big dog in town but there are a few others which you can easily find doing a simple search. It's quite easy to sign up and then you are ready to go.
Now the kind people from the affiliate programs you joined have possibly given you keywords that you can just copy and paste into your Google adwords. Now all you need to do is copy and paste them, make your bid and the money will start rolling in.
Here's the bad news, unless you are in business to lose money, this is all you will be doing and the dog will have to revert back to dog food and you to bread and water. Your advertising is going to cost you much more than your income.
This said, you can make it as a affiliate, and you can make a lot of money, you are however going to have to do some work.
Your main aim is to find cheap and underexposed keywords. Lets take a example of Google adwords.
If you copy and paste the keywords given to you, the chances are good that a lot of other affiliates are also using the exact same keywords. So for you to get ad into the top 10 or first page you will need to bid high. Let's say you end up bidding 50 cents for a pretty broad keyword. The product you are selling is selling for $47 of which you receive 50% commission, $23.50 less banking charges. In effect that means that for every 47 clicks you receive you must make one sale to just break even. I can tell you now on a broad keyword you will get 47 clicks but you will not get one sale. To find out how a keyword is performing and converting into sales is to base it on 200 clicks. When reaching that target take a look at the conversion rate, how many clicks per sale. If you have made no sales, or just one, you need to refine your keywords because you are hitting the wrong target market.
Where and how do you find and implement these seemingly elusive keywords. I mean there are only so many words in the English language!
Step 1
Take a good look at the affiliates website you joined, and see what it is that makes this a unique product that customers should have. Now please this answer does not lie in the first words you read on the page, the headline or sub headline. Read through the entire affiliate sales page and find your own unique ideas, be different.
Step two
Now that you have the idea clearly in your mind, think up a few keywords that fit this idea and will relate well to the product you are trying to sell. Come up with a few single words and some two word phrases. Write all of these down until you have about ten or fifteen.
Step Three
You have your adwords account, open the Overture keyword tool and use both of them. You can download Good Keywords for free and it will provide you with an enormous amount of information.
Take your single and two word phrases and combine them into three and four word phrases. Test these in your tools to see how many searches take place and test different combinations of these words until you find the right combination.
Once you have determined good combination keyword phrases, add them to your keyword list in your account. Chances are that you will be able to get into the top 10 easily with the lowest bid.
Target your market with specific targeted 3 and 4 word phrases, they will get you quality clicks, cheaply, with the target market generating sales.
You have heard the term find your niche over and over, but believe me if you are
going to try to hit broadly you are going to lose money.
You can be a successful affiliate, but you need to put the time and effort in finding the right target audience for your product. Getting the balance right is the ultimate goal of your business.
Happy Marketing!
If you would like to see our top recommended Affiliate Program go to
and have a look.
For more details click here

How To Choose The Best Affiliate Programs To Promote

There are thousands of affiliate programs out there. Selecting the best affiliate program to promote is not an easy task. If you start promoting wrong affiliate programs, you can waste a lot of time, money and effort. Here are the factors that you need to consider in order to choose those affiliate programs that are right for you:
1. Demand
Is there a demand for this product? To put it simply, do a lot of people want this product? Do you know what type of people would be interested in it? Do you have a clear idea on how you will reach those people and get them to the website?
2. Conversion
Do you think the sales page of the product will convert many visitors into buyers? Does it make the product and the offer look enticing enough? Is the website user-friendly? Is it easy to place an order?
When you look at the sales page, trust your gut. If you don’t feel like you’d be sold on this product if you were a prospect, you are probably right.
3. Commission
Is the commission rate high enough? Digital products (such as e-books) usually offer huge commissions (50% and up). Physical products (the ones that need to be shipped to the customer) usually pay 10% or less. Compare the affiliate program to similar ones in the same industry to see if the commission rate is fair.
In addition to the commission rate, pay attention to the dollar amount that you’ll get per sale. For example, 10% commission on a $100 product is $10, while 50% commission on a $4 product is only $2.
If the product is too cheap, you’ll need to sell a huge number of units in order to make any significant money. It’s often easier to sell several expensive items than lots of cheap ones. Aim for something in the middle – not extremely expensive but not too cheap.
4. Quality
Do you believe in the product? Would you be proud to promote it?
No matter how "hot" and lucrative the product is, if you have any reservations about the product quality, its purpose or its industry, then don't promote it. Protect your online reputation. Doing something that does not sit well with you is destined to be doomed from the start.
5. Tracking
When promoting affiliate programs, keep track of all your efforts. Track the number
of visitors you send to each affiliate program and the number of sales that you make. When you accumulate enough data to compare, dump those programs that are not profitable and focus all your efforts on the ones that make you money.
If you would like to see our top recommended Affiliate Program go to and have a look.
For more details click here

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RegSWEEP #1 Converting Registry Cleaner. Ms Vista Certified :New*** RegSWEEP Converts 2x Better Than Any Other Registry Cleaner!

New*** RegSWEEP Converts 2x Better Than Any Other Registry Cleaner! Dont Sell Junk Scanners. Sell The From The Company Microsoft Signs Off On. Now With Msn/Goog/Yhoo Tracking!
RegSweep is the latest in PC error diagnostic and repair. RegSweep can do a complete scan of your entire file system and registry in under 2 minutes! All corrupt files, paths, and registry keys will be analyzed and automatically repaired so that your PC functions just as when you first purchased it, Guaranteed.Don't spend countless hours searching the web for instructions on how to resolve PC errors or waste your money on computer repairs and calls overseas to help centers! Our software removes the need of such experts to identify and repair your PC or laptop issues. Plus, the download is Free!
RegSweep Features
Fix Windows-Installer Errors
Repair DLL Files
Windows Startup Errors
Internet Explorer Errors
Runtime Errors
Prevents PC from Freezing or Crashing
Restore Correct File & Registry Paths Broken DLLs, OCX, and ActiveX Components
Fixes Corrupt Files
Stabilize Scripting Errors
Tune & Repair Your PC with Diagnostics
For more details click here

New* ErrorSmart - Vista Certified - From RegistrySmart. We Are Vista Certified And Ready To Convert Better Than Any Other 'Error Cleaner' Program

We Are Vista Certified And Ready To Convert Better Than Any Other 'Error Cleaner' Program. Dont Sell Junk! Sell A Reliable Product Certified By The Biggest Software Company In The World. Conversion Tracking Integrated With Goog, Yhoo, Msn, And CB TIDs!!
ErrorSmart uses the industry's most advanced error-resolution technology and puts it to work for you. By scanning your hard drive, analyzing the errors and correcting the problems, ErrorSmart can restore your system performance and increase startup speed by up to 70 percent. Whether it's incomplete uninstalls, failed installations, driver issues or spyware infections that are affecting your PC, ErrorSmart will rid you of your computer problems in just minutes
ErrorSmart Offers:
Repair of your registry and increase in PC performance by up to 70 percent.
Defragmentation and compression of your registry with the click of a mouse.
The option of removing registry errors manually or automatically.
The security of registry back-up utilities.
Easy removal of invalid program shortcuts, duplicate files and invalid help files.
Easy organization of startup programs.
Resolution of Windows installer errors.
Repair of DLL files.
Repair of Internet Explorer Errors
Removal of Windows startup errors and runtime errors.
Stabilization of scripting errors.
Prevention of PC crashing and system freezes.
Advanced Diagnostics and Repair TechnologyErrorSmart uses the industry's most advanced diagnostic and error repair technology. In a few short minutes, our software can scan your entire hard drive and quickly diagnose what's causing your PC complications. Once ErrorSmart has analyzed your PC and located the root of the problems, it goes to work correcting those problems, leaving you with a computer that performs as well as it did the day you bought it.
ErrorSmart uses the industry's latest technology to scan and diagnose your hard drive, getting to the bottom of what's been causing your computer headaches. Once the problems have been located, ErrorSmart corrects the issues and restores your
system to its former glory.You don't have to put up with the frustration of a PC that performs at a snail's pace. You definitely shouldn't give up hope and waste hundreds of dollars on a new computer. If you do, you'll find yourself in the same boat a few months from now. Do the intelligent thing and use ErrorSmart to rid yourself of your PC problems once and for all.
For more details click here

Advanced PC Tweaker Worldwide : Advanced System Utility For Windows

Advanced System Utility For Windows, Converting Like Crazy, With Msn/Google/Yahoo Tracking.
Advanced PC Tweaker Worldwide
Advanced PC Tweaker offers the results-oriented solutions for Windows users who can tweak the PC system to the optimal performance with the built-in powerful components, allowing you repair problems, clean up drive space, manage backups, optimize system and other advanced toolkits like eliminating privacy tracks, administering startup applications, uninstalling unwanted applications and permanently erasing files. If you have been frustrated with hassles of solving the massive problems on your PC, then take it for a spin...
Why Use Advanced PC Tweaker?
§ Does your PC run more and more slowly?
§ Do you get the ActiveX or similar .dll errors?
§ Does your computer pop up mysterious error messages?
§ Do you suffer from the system's memory strike all the time?
§ Are you afraid of being tracked when you are surfing the Internet?
§ Are you troubled with the blue screen, system crashing or system freezing from time to time?
Our results-oriented solutions are professionally designed for Windows© PCs to avoid re-installing the operating system. Advanced PC Tweaker is a complete package for your PC care and maintenance that you don't have to go through the hassles of resolving the problems and with Advanced PC Tweaker you can safely clean and repair the registry problems and speed up your computer with a few simple clicks.
Solve Problems & Speed up
§ Windows© Installer Errors
§ ActiveX Errors
§ ActiveX Control Object Problems
§ Windows© Startup Errors
§ Windows© Explorer Errors
§ Windows© Media Player Errors
§ Svchost.exe & other exe Errors
§ Windows© Operating System Problems
§ Scan & Fix Registry-Related Errors
§ Prevents PC from Freezing or Crashing
§ DLL Errors
§ Runtime Errors
§ IExplore and System32 Errors
§ System Crashes, Blue Screen
§ Chkdsk Issues
§ Computer Freezing
§ Internet Explorer Errors
§ Javascript Errors
§ Dr Watson Errors
§ Driver Errors
§ Task Manager Related Issues
§ Computer & Application Shutdown
§ Prevent Application Crashes
§ Load Windows© Faster
§ Run Applications Smoothly
Key Features and Benifits
§ 1-Click Maintenance
§ Clean Invalid Registry Entities
§ Repair Registry Errors
§ Repair Windows system Errors
§ Repair/Restore Internet Explorer
§ Block ActiveX Objects
§ Register ActiveX Objects
§ Clean up Junk Files
§ Indentify and Clean up Duplicate Files
§ Manage Registry Backups
§ Utilize System Restore Point
§ Tweak Memory Management
§ Optimize System Settings
§ Set Settings for Optimal Performance
§ Allow Perform Scheduled Task
§ Remove Tracks of Internet Activities
§ Administer Startup Applications
§ Uninstall Unneeded Applications
§ Permanently Remove Files or Folder
§ Submit PC Problems to Solutions Center
§ Unlimited Free Technical Support
§ Automatically Updated during the Subscribed Period
Solve Problems & Speed up
§ Windows© Installer Errors
§ ActiveX Errors
§ ActiveX Control Object Problems
§ Windows© Startup Errors
§ Windows© Explorer Errors
§ Windows© Media Player Errors
§ Svchost.exe & other exe Errors
§ Windows© Operating System Problems
§ Scan & Fix Registry-Related Errors
§ Prevents PC from Freezing or Crashing
§ DLL Errors
§ Runtime Errors
§ IExplore and System32 Errors
§ System Crashes, Blue Screen
§ Chkdsk Issues
§ Computer Freezing
§ Internet Explorer Errors
§ Javascript Errors
§ Dr Watson Errors
§ Driver Errors
§ Task Manager Related Issues
§ Computer & Application Shutdown
§ Prevent Application Crashes
§ Load Windows© Faster
§ Run Applications Smoothly
Key Features and Benifits
§ 1-Click Maintenance
§ Clean Invalid Registry Entities
§ Repair Registry Errors
§ Repair Windows system Errors
§ Repair/Restore Internet Explorer
§ Block ActiveX Objects
§ Register ActiveX Objects
§ Clean up Junk Files
§ Indentify and Clean up Duplicate Files
§ Manage Registry Backups
§ Utilize System Restore Point
§ Tweak Memory Management
§ Optimize System Settings
§ Set Settings for Optimal Performance
§ Allow Perform Scheduled Task
§ Remove Tracks of Internet Activities
§ Administer Startup Applications
§ Uninstall Unneeded Applications
§ Permanently Remove Files or Folder
§ Submit PC Problems to Solutions Center
§ Unlimited Free Technical Support
§ Automatically Updated during the Subscribed Period
For more details click here

Firewall Protection - Great Product

It's never been so easy to secure your computer before! Simply download, install and run! Your firewall is your first line of defense! Block hackers and protect yourself from viruses or worse!

Sometimes, you might not want to block everything. We've made the firewall easy to manage!

instantly scan your PC for spyware and adware infections

An Overview of AdwareBOT 2008AdwareBOT 2008 is the industry's latest, most advanced anti-spyware product. This breakthrough application was created by the most highly-regarded experts in the anti-spyware industry. AdwareBOT 2008 can locate, eliminate and prevent the broadest range of spyware threats possible without compromising system speed or performance. With its comprehensive protection and automatic updates, every customer of AdwareBOT 2008 enjoys a safe, spyware-free computing environment.

Cell Phone Movie, Music, And Tv, Downloads :Work With All Movie And Music Playing Cell Phones

Work With All Movie And Music Playing Cell Phones. > The largest cell phone downloading site on the internet> Over 95 Million Files - (music, movies, games, and more)> Free online tutorial on how to use Cell Phone Magic> Data transfer software - (Take your files anywhere)> Browse the web - (Access any site you want)
Maximize Your Cell Phone Experience!Now you can easily download all the great entertainment content that you love to watch and enjoy on your cell phone. A cell phone is not just a phone, but also a portable movie player, music player, digital photo album, and even a gaming platform rolled into one! Cell Phone Magic is the fastest and easiest way to get the latest and greatest content onto your Cell Phone and take it wherever you go.

Registry Genius Registry Cleaner

Registry Genius Registry Cleaner. Repair Errors & Optimize Windows, With Google/Overture/ADCenter Conversion Track. Registry Genius™ is an award-winning Registry fix and system optimize suite, which can be used to repair, compact your PC's Registry files and optimize your Windows settings to the optimal speed you ever have
The latest Registry Genius™ V3.0 offers a great set of features that will make it quite unique and effective on Registry cleaning & fix through the industry-leading technology; in addition, the built-in advanced functions will keep your PC run faster and more efficiently.
Registry Genius™ can effectively detect and eliminate these problems with the simplified user interface built for both computer newbies and experts. With the power of Registry Genius V3.0, you can fix and compact your Registry files anytime, and are ensured a better PC performance you ever have.
• Effectively scan any Registry-related problems.
• Safely repair and clean the Registry with safe backup mechanism.
• Easily manage the Registry backups that can be restored to a previous state if needed.
• Offer rich built-in powerful utilities, such as System Optimizer, IE Restorer and Tweak Memory, to keep your PC run faster and more efficiently.
For more details click here

The Original Pdf Creator

Create Professional Adobe® Compatible PDF DocumentsPDF Creator is a cost effective solution over the leading PDF product, Adobe Acrobat® 8. PDF Creator allows you to create PDF files from documents, spreadsheets, presentations, emails, websites, and virtually any file that can be printed. PDF Creator is a virtual printer so it's automatically integrated and ready for use in all of your favorite Windows® programs. This includes all of your Business applications, Multimedia applications, Web applications, Presentation applications and the list goes on and on. If you can print it, you can turn it into a PDF document.

Combine Multiple Files Into Adobe® Compatible PDF DocumentsPDF Creator will even allow you to combine multiple files into one easy to share PDF document. You can combine your PowerPoint sales presentation with your sales spreadsheet into one convenient PDF document in mere seconds. You can combine any number of files of different file type into one professional PDF document. You can combine your multimedia documents with your sales brochure or combine website pages with excel spreadsheets. The possibilities are endless when using PDF Creator for your PDF development needs.